Developement is about a situation, you can analyse it and you should be able to address it through strategic resolutions......but take note its a process, you always have to review given the progress status.....
I for one worked with a number of different diverse stakeholders, often the goal was development and empowerment,and change of attitudes.... majority of the time would be based on that .....yes development.....but as time goes on as you learn the tricks, routes.....based of fragmented leadership.....the end point becomes disempowerment.
I often say, I did not experience apartheid with my eyes open (I mean physically) but psychologically adn emotionally I did, when my grands would tell me that your mother will carry me, my brother and sister running away from what is now called human rights family history has been distroyed, destroyed by lack of documenting who did what,how and where, just because they were not in exile and it is not classified as the black struggle and history......I do think the only way to make it her story is by documenting it while she (my granny) is still alive....dont worry I will do it this time....
She told me stories about her arrest, my mothers arrest, her friends arrest......and list go on and on....but only those captured by camera and pictures form part of history......worse they are now political leaders or form part of memorial stands (with all due respect).........anyway this is another story for next time...
I have realised one thing now, and not because I am studying BA degree with specialization in Development Studies, but because of experience....Grew up in Pretoria, learned many lessons there and had a taste of the globe (travelling EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH's of the world). but still working in the Gauteng region... Leadership I still repeat.......according to me is a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task........but hhhhmmm go tsamaya ke go bona ......I have seen enough already....and to be honest, it leaves me confused sometimes. I then think about whether I should focus on different things or should I just hold on........then I thought agghh its a learning curve.......I continue with my learning and passion of course.....
Because in this field, you dont work on your own, you work with people, yes people we all make mistakes same people who are your superior, subordinates and so forth but given lack of communication, lack of strategic leadership this initiate secrecy (hidden, concealed and so forth).......and let me tell you sometimes its all up in the mind........if you communicate your likes and dislikes to someone it actually improves your skills.....but from what I have seen and heard, people in leadership and management failing to address an issue.........they leave in fear.......not because they are under because thats what they think.......and starts with delusive thoughts, comes secrecy, and then disempowerment.....and destroys peoples lives just like that .....I am tasting the waters now or should I say I am drinking it now......been there.....and I am doing it again.....(well let me say it that someone else is doing it to me again)........I am giving you the end point now......and this is about (MISUSE of) POWER
Then you ask yourself where to from here.......hey your life is not yet destroyed.....pick up those little glasses...I think its important to re-FOCUS, development is not bad actually its good for anyone no....for everybody, and secrecy is not always a bad thing (only ethics matter and only when is it confidential) but if its the abovementioned are MAD, what happened to your humanity.....the least you could do is communicate its hard we understand, retrench, failure, your failure, bankrupt, and so forth communicate and most welcomed point IN TIME......
Easy dont compromise yourself, your fellow human beings or anyone/thing. Honesty and Respect is a valuable principle....but it start with self......way your option DEVELOP, dont allow to be DISEMPOWERED........goodluck people....leason learned!!!